Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It just doesn't get any better than this. We've got GREAT kids...and I mean that, but this MEAP testing scares me. If someone is having a bad day, or stayed up late, or is a Wolverine fan...all of those things can effect how they do on this test. Every year we have a handful of kids that fail the MEAP by a question or two. Every year when we look at the test results, the last 20% of the test is the part we do the poorest on. It's not because the MEAP gets tougher as it goes on, it's because the kids lose their focus and give up on the last few questions. Please help by stressing the importance of finishing strong....which applies to life, not just the MEAP It's a speech they are hearing at school....hearing at home will only reinforce it.

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