Thursday, February 26, 2015

What Happened to All the Blog Posts????

Not sure if anyone noticed, but the number of Blog posts are down from years past. The reason is that each building has recently been given the ability to post articles to our individual websites so many of my Blog posts are now going on our main SCMS webpage. I also try to post "happenings" on my Twitter account (@Mike_Alley59). I'll continue to post on this Blog but many items will now be going on our main SCMS webpage

NJHS Boold Drive....Great Job

Hats off to Mrs. Walton and all of our SCMS NJHS students that helped to organize this year's Red Cross Blood Drive. Giving blood is a quick and easy way to help to make a difference and I'm proud of the efforts of our NJHS in giving our staff and community an opportunity to be a Hero.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Polar Plunge

Thanks to everyone that helped, encouraged and/or donated to my efforts in this year's Polar Plunge. Even though the water was a tad chilly, it was well worth it. Through the generosity of our SCMS family and friends I was able to raise close to $1100. I would highly recommend the event to all proceeds go to the Special Olympics. If you're interested in seeing a video of me taking the plunge, I've posted a few on my Twitter page (@Mike_Alley59) The is also a very flattering photo of me pre-plunge on the SCMS main webpage

Half Day Wednesday February 25th

I know, I know....we've just had a gaggle of days off with the freezing temps. Wednesday is a Professional Development Day for staff that has been on the calendar since the start of the year (teachers are required by state law to have a certain number of professional development hours). SCMS will be running hours 4, 5 and 6 on Wednesday

Monday, February 9, 2015

Polar Plunge Donations, $172...Thank You SCMS

As some of you know, I had a weak moment and signed up for the Polar Plunge. I will be jumping in to the Pine River on Sunday February 22nd with all donations that I can raise going to the Special Olympics. In all honesty, if it wasn't for such a great cause, I'd fake an injury. When our students heard I was going to jump in the freezing cold water, they decided to have a Hat Day to raise money for me. The Hat Day raised $172....Which is Awesome. I decided to type this Thank You now before the event just incase frostbite doesn't allow me to after the event.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Box Tops

Because of the recent snow days, we have extended our Box Top collection deadline to next Wednesday, February 11th. Please have your student turn them in to their first hour teacher.

8th Grade Parents - SCHS Freshman Orientation

Mark your calendar for March 11th, 7:00 pm in the SCHS cafeteria. SCHS will be hosting our current 8th graders and their parents for an orientation to what they can expect as a Freshman at SCHS. Counselors, teachers and administrators will be on hand to answer questions regarding scheduling and life as a high school Saint.

6th Grade Parents

As we have done in the past, our 6th grade classes will be seeing a presentation entitled "Just the Facts" which is coordinated by the St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council. The presentation will be on Friday February 27th. Just the Facts is a teaching process designed to inform, empower and educate middle school students about personal body safety and the law. A permission slip will be coming home soon. If you have any questions [lease contact our counselor, Mrs. McElreath.