Friday, December 18, 2009

Choir and Band Concerts

Why is it year after year I am continually amazed every time I see our kids perform? You'd think after 20 years of seeing these concerts I'd get used to it. Nope. Last night, once again, I'm reminded at what talented kids we have. Hats off to everyone and a special pat on the back to our Band Director Mr. Decker and Choir Director Mrs. Schultz-Zydek. GREAT job.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

DC Fundraiser, Round 1

Our 7th grade Achatz Pie Fundraiser has concluded and it was a huge success. On average, everyone that participated saved approximately $80 off their trip. We had eight students that saved over $150 and two students that saved over $200. Not bad for a few hours of work. We'll be having another fundraiser in the Spring. Don't forget that the deadline to register, and the first payment of $125 is due on February 5th. It's an AWESOME educational trip.

Recalled H1N1 Vaccine

The St. Clair County Health Department reports today that no doses of the H1N1 vaccine recently recalled by Sanofi Pasteur were administered to anyone at vaccination clinics conducted at any community location or at the Health Department. None of the recalled lots was distributed to any local provider by the Health Department.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ski Club Update

I had the wrong phone number...oops. I corrected it and updated the Blog below by adding Mrs. Werden's e-mail address.

Trying Something New

As most of you know, we have a No Zero policy at SCMS. Despite all of our calls home, Lunchtime Homework Help, Parent Connect, etc....some kids find themselves behind the eight ball with missing assignments and have a heck of a time getting caught up. On Tuesday, January 5th when we get back from Winter Break, we are going to having a Homework Recovery Session from 3:30 to 5:50 in our cafeteria for students with multiple missing assignments. Some students are going to be required to attend and they'll be receiving a letter home this week with their invitation. The one way a student can opt out of this session is if they complete all of their missing work over Winter Break and turn it in on Monday morning, January 4th. Our goal is to make this a positive experience, improve grades, get organized and back on top of their assignments. If your son or daughter doesn't receive an invite, but has missing assignments and you'd like them to stay, they are more than welcomed. Our NJHS kids will be on hand to help if needed.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Another Round of H1N1 Shots

The East China School District received notice this week that the St. Clair County Health Department will be conducting a FREE H1N1 Vaccination Clinic at the Pine River Elementary School Gymnasium from 2:00 – 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 for our students and community members. Initial H1N1 vaccinations will be available, as well as the follow up vaccination for children under 10 years old who have been vaccinated at least 28 days prior.

Since your child does not attend Pine River Elementary School, you may bring your child there to be vaccinated (nasal flu mist or shot, per discretion of St. Clair County Health Department staff) from 3:45-7:00 p.m., along with the completed 2-sided document titled St. Clair County Health Department MCIR Season Influenza / H1N1 Scan Form (SF7) / Consent Form. Those forms are being sent home with your child. Choosing to be vaccinated or to have your child vaccinated is strictly on a voluntary, non-mandatory basis.

The hours of 2:00-3:45 p.m. are designated for students who attend the clinic site school and the hours of 3:45-7:00 p.m. are designated for students whose parents wish to be present during the vaccination and for adults of any age in our community.

Consult the website for more information about the clinics and/or the H1N1 virus.

Ski Club it cold outside, which means it's times to strap boards to our feet and fly down a mountain. The Ski Club is planning it's first trip to Mt Holly next Friday. Mrs. Werden (Penny) did a great job for us last year and is in charge of the club again this year. She will be at all lunches on Monday to answer questions, pass out forms, etc. for the kids. Parents are always needed to help drive the kids over. If you have any questions, or want to purchase your ski club card early so you can go to Mt. Holly this weekend, please give Penny a call at 326-1995 or e-mail her at

It's really a great deal.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Read Only if You're Old

Everyone that is going through a mid-life crisis will be able to relate to this. In my ongoing fight to prevent myself from growing old, looking old and feeling old, a very good friend told me I should try yoga. At first I laughed at the idea....I mean, come on, I was sort of an athlete back in the day. I couldn't see myself sitting on a cliff with my legs crossed, eyes shut and hands to each side making a circle with my thumb and index fingers. He convinced me that wasn't the way yoga was and that it was quite a workout. He told me of a show on Comcast that airs at 6:00 a.m. called Inhale. After a few weeks of thinking about it (and receiving my AARP card in the mail), I decided to give it a try. Because I usually leave the house around 6:15, I DVR'd a couple of shows. Well, after a couple of weeks of doing it I can't begin to tell you how humbling a workout yoga is. After 25 minutes (I haven't even come close to being able to do the whole hour yet), sweat is pouring off me.....and I no longer refer to it as yoga. I call it modga (modified yoga). Those people twist and stretch their bodies in ways and directions that I will never be able to accomplish. Made me think of the time I got stuck climbing into the back of my Jeep and how much easier that adventure would of been if I had been doing modga. Anyway...if you're feeling old, I highly suggest the 6:00 a.m. Inhale show. It's a great workout and, for the majority of us, it gives us a chance to laugh at ourselves.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Science Olympiad Reminder

Just a reminder that the first Science Olympiad meeting, for parents and students, is this Wednesday, December 9th @ 6:30 p.m. in the media center

Monday's Thoughts

What a great weekend...although I've come to the conclusion that there is absolutely no getting ahead of the Holidays. No matter how much I've done, there still seems to be more to decorate, more to buy, more to mid-January I'm going to be exhausted, broke and fat.

Couple of quick things....

Everyone is well aware of the tough times our area is going through...some, unfortunately, are right in the middle of it. As in the past, I continue to be amazed at our kids and their generosity...which obviously is a direct result of their parents. We currently have a canned food and a toys for tots drive going on. I could not be more proud of the donations that we are receiving...especially in the tough economic times that we are going through. Great Job.

We are now in the single digits until Winter Break. If ever there was a time for a short term goal, now is the time. Typically, before breaks is when kids will start to slack just a tad. Any help you can give at home to keep them focused and on track will be greatly appreciated.

Enjoy the week

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Parent Presentation on Teen Grieving

As a parent we all go through it whether it's a grandparent, neighbor or friend. At some point in our lives, someone close to us passes away. Everyone handles these situations differently and many of us, especially our children, don't know how to handle it...which is completely understandable and normal.

In response to the student losses that we have had at SCHS and MCHS recently, we are sponsoring a presentation for helping teens work through grief on Monday, December 7, at 7:00 in the St. Clair High School Media Center. Our target group for this meeting is parents. Sue McElreath will be our presenter and talk to parents about the stages of grieving, what to look for in your child and strategies to help them work through their grief.

Please feel free to spread the word to other parents that you may be talking to over the next couple of days.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Time to roll up the sleeves

Recover from the Thanksgiving food coma yet? Got your Holiday shopping done? 14 days until Winter Break....this year is flying by. We have a number of missing assignments that need to be made up. My goal is to clear up the majority of these assignments as well as get the kids to buy into the short goal strategy leading into break. This is a GREAT dinner conversation to see if your child has any missing assignments and stress the importance of staying on top of things leading into Winter Break. Over the next few days I'm going to try to call home to those that are missing multiple assignments. Any help, as always, is greatly appreciated.