Friday, August 30, 2013

2013-14 SCMS Handbook

Here is our 2013-14 Student Handbook. If you have a "QR" Reader on your phone then you already understand how to scan the code below. If you don't and own a cell phone, QR Code Readers are easily downloaded and they are free.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Test Taking Tips

Found this great website on Test Taking Tips. It not only covers Test Taking Tips but also Note Taking, Reducing Test Anxiety, Study Skills/Tips and Test Taking Tips for Parents . So much of test taking is a mind set and understanding some of the "tricks". Please take a minute to check out this website with your student.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Amazing Free Money!!!!!

Sorry....this has nothing to do with free money but I wanted to grab everyone's attention to a really neat website that helps students prepare for the MEAP. Like it or not, we are judge/graded on how we do on these standardized tests. As I'm sure you already know, in the Middle School we take the MEAP in all grades in the Fall and the EXPLORE test is given in the Spring to just our 8th graders. Just as in life, we want all of our students to do their best. Many times, getting an answer correct or getting an answer incorrect has little to do with the student knowing the material but more to do with the student knowing the vocabulary or the format of the questioning. Please take a few minutes and check out this website. Taking some time to go through this site with your student not only will help them on the MEAP but also is a great way to show them that you care and doing your best is lifelong lesson. MEAP PREP

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents

As our kids grow and become more active, the likelihood of an injury happening increases. Being a father of three sons and now five grandkids, I can speak to this likelihood first hand. As medical technology has advanced, the awareness level of possible head injuries/concussions has also advanced. Please take a minute to look over this Fact Sheet For Parents regarding concussions. All East China Coaches and Administrators have been trained in what to look for and how to handle possible concussions. All teaching staff will also be trained during the school year.

Need an American Flag For Your Yard?

If so, click the following link. American Flag

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Challenge/Favor/Request

As hopefully everyone knows, our East China Supporters have two fundraisers during the school year that help to support all of the "extras" that help our students. The first one is just around the corner. “Crusin Down the St. Clair River” is a boat cruise aboard the Duc d’Orleans on Tuesday August 20th. Boarding begins at 6:00 pm at the River Crab Restaurant with a departure at 6:30 pm. Hors d’oeurves are prepared by the River Crab and entertainment is provided by the Rivertown Gents. Tickets are $50 per person (must be 21 to attend). I can guarantee you that the money goes to a very good cause. As the belt in education continues to tighten, the funds available to purchase “extras” just doesn’t exist anymore. The money from this fundraiser allows the Supporters to give grants to our ECSD staff. Please help support this very worthy cause. Tickets are available from our Central Office on Meisner Road or you can e-mail me at

Looking for Some Help

I’m looking for a few hard working students to help clean up the front of our building. During the school year, we’ll have various student groups that will help take care of the front flower garden and side areas. Over the summer, unfortunately, the weeds take advantage of school being out and try to take over. Anyone that would like to help out, feel free to stop in anytime to stake out an area that you’d like to claim and start weeding. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Fall Sports

I've been getting a few phone calls and e-mails asking about the start of practices for Fall Sports. All Middle School Sports do not begin until school is back in session. Just like every other season, students must have physical forms, permission slips and pay-to-participate forms completed and turned in to the main office before they can participate in tryouts/practice. Our SCMS Main Office will be open beginning Monday August 12th to pick up any needed forms or they can be obtained by going to the main ECSD website and clicking on Parent Resources then clicking on Forms. Our 8th grade Football Team will be having equipment handout on Thursday August 29th from 4:00 - 5:30 in our Main Gym. A complete Football schedule can be found on Mr. Smith's Website.