Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Washington DC Meeting

Mark your calendars. Our informational meeting for our current 7th graders regarding next year's Washington DC trip will be Wednesday, January 28th, 7:00 pm in our Cafeteria. Information, dates, prices will be discussed at that time as well as any questions you might have regarding this OUTSTANDING educational opportunity. The meeting is meant for parents/guardians but students are welcomed to attend.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Heads Up For Parents

The following article in the Detroit Free Press has to do with an app called "After School". I had never heard of it until I read the article but it doesn't sound like much positive is coming of it. Please read the article by Clicking Here

Student Antibullying Group Tie Dyes

This past Tuesday our Student Antibullying stayed after school to tie dye shirts. The group meets weekly to plan and carry out different school activities, educate their peers about bullying and create a positive school climate. The group decided to order shirts as a club and tie dye was a natural choice because it aligns with the group's mission. Just like our SCMS student body is comprised of many unique individuals who together form SCMS, each shirt is unique but represents membership in the club as a whole.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Helping Special Olympics

I have decided to take the Polar Plunge to help Special Olympics. The event is Sunday February 22nd, 2:00 pm at the St. Clair Boat Harbor in the Pine River (I'm sure the water will be in the mid 70's once they cut a hole in the ice). If you are interested in helping me help the Special Olympics, you can donate by clicking on the following link I'M COLD ALREADY

Monday, December 1, 2014

Short Term Goals

I know I talk a lot about setting goals and the best goal is a short term goal. Now is an excellent time to hammer that idea home with your student. We have 14 school days left until Winter Break. Regardless of the task, we can do anything for 14 days. Getting organized, getting homework done and handed in on time, getting any missing assignments completed, preparing for tests.....we can do this. If you're ever looking for a conversation starter at dinner, here you do. 14 days.....a great short term goal.