Friday, October 31, 2014

A SCMS Halloween Tradition

As many of you know that have students go through SCMS, we have had a tradition of having a Halloween Parade. This year we were able to combine it with a Walkathon that our PTO has been sponsoring. This year our 8th grade Band came up with the idea to play "Scary" music as the parade was going on, which was a great idea. The winners of our costume contest....which was not easy to select, was 6th Grader Matthew Reincke, 7th Grader Jimmy DeVolder and 8th grader Andrew Puwal. Excellent job by all.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

National Pat Yourself on the Back Day

I've declared Monday November 3rd as National Pat Yourself on the Back Day. Use Facebook, Twitter, Billboards, anything you can find to say something nice about yourself. Please help spread the word. With a little help (you tell six, who tell six, who tell six...) it'll become a yearly event. Hallmark is always looking for another reason to make a's just this time you'll have to buy it for yourself.

7th and 8th Grade Bands...Great Job

I'm always amazed at how talented our kids are and even more amazed at the improvement they make from the all concert to the June concert. Well done everyone....looking forward to our next performance.

Monday, October 27, 2014

A Couple of Chopped Up Weeks

For those that might not of looked ahead, we have a few 1/2 days and one full day PD (professional development) Days coming our way. This Friday, October 31st is a 1/2 day, Next Tuesday, November 4th is a full PD Day and the following day, Wednesday November 5th is another 1/2 day (but November 5th 1/2 day is only for district elementary and middle schools. Students will be released at 11:48 on our 1/2 days.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Our Parents Are Great

One of the more fun parts of having a Box Top collection is all the sorting and trimming that has to be done before you can send the Box Tops in to be redeemed. Thankfully we have GREAT parents who are will to give up a morning to help out. Thank you sooooooooooo much.

Automated Phone Answering System

Starting Monday, October 27th, the East China School District will be going to an automated phone answering system when someone calls the main office line (press 1 for attendance, press 2 to dial by name, etc....). Unfortunately the system will cause us to lose a bit of the personal touch but it's the district's hope that it allows us to be more efficient.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Have Any Extra Newspaper?

This could start to be a problem. With more and more of us reading the news online, the availability of used Newspaper is getting limited. If you have any newspaper laying around, please send it in with your student or drop it off to our SCMS Office. Our Art classes use it for various projects and could use any that we get donated. Thanks in advance.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Parent Survey

We need some help. When you have a few minutes, please use your phone to scan the QR code below and take a parent survey. Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Afer School Opportunity

We will be having a Google CS First after school enrichment opportunity for our students. Google CS First is Free curriculum from Google that uses online, project-based tutorials for elementary and middle school students and offers free club plans and resources to create an easy computer science entry point for educators and students alike. Our first session (and I hope to have others after Winter Break) is on Gaming. Applications are available in the office that need to be filled out, signed by parents and turned back in by Monday (short turn around...sorry). Unfortunately, there is limited spots. If we have an overflow...which I'm hoping we do, those that don't get in this time around will get the first shot at the next session. (if you look closely at the bottom of the application it says to check the activity.....sorry, that should of been deleted)

Great Weather, Great Fans, Great Game

Great night for football (at least it wasn't cold). SCMS defeated our cross district rivals MCMS 58-40 on a wet night at East China Stadium. Congratulations to all the team and to Coaches Smith and McKiernan. Great job. Also....just another example that SCMS is in a class by itself, our parents had a tailgate before the game and sat through the rain to cheer our team to victory. Nice job to all.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Future is Not That Far Away

Interesting Article on 21 things that will be obsolete by 2020. Click here.

Need a Reason to Have a Conversation With Your Student?

As a parent, there are many things that we worry about...many of which just wasn't an issue back when we were in their shoes. One issue is technology, poor choices with technology and what the consequences can be. If you haven't followed what is happening at Romeo High School, please click on this link. To think this could never happen here or to any of us is asking for disaster. If you are ever looking for a reason to have a conversation, here it is.

Monday, October 13, 2014

PTC Fleur de lis

When you come in for conferences this week look for this table! In school the students have each created a positive fleur de lis about themselves. During conferences we invite you to write some positive comments on a fleur de lis to take home to your student. These are meant to be taken home and shared with your student to encourage them to do their best every day.

Pink Day

As many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and in honor of that, SCMS is having a Pink Day Friday, October 17th. Students and Staff are encouraged to wear Pink and asked to donate a dollar to the cause. (Please no "I Love Boobies" t-shirts)

PTC Times

Parent Teacher Conferences are this week Wednesday and Thursday, October 15th and 16th. There was a little confusion with our times. We are on the Elementary time schedule, not the High School PTC time schedule. The times are:

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday Morning Fire Drill

Well....that was fun. If you were dropping students off Thursday morning you might of seen everyone standing outside with alarms going off and lights flashing. There was no fire. SCMS has a very complicated safety system that will alert of us if something isn't clicking on all cylinders. In this case, our indoor sprinkler system had a water pressure issue which caused the alarms to go off. Everyone was evacuated, the fire department arrived and students were kept out of the building until the issue was resolved. I'm sure that the additional 15 minutes of fresh air will increase the learning today. Just another day at SCMS.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Looking For Some Spooky Fun?

Saturday, October 25th at 7:00 pm...yes that's pm....The East China Educational Foundation will be hosting it's Frist Annual Zombie Run/Walk starting and ending at SCMS. It's geared toward a fun family event and everyone, whether you are a runner or walker, are encouraged to participate. Click on the following link to find out more and to register.

Box Tops Collection

SCMS is asking your help in sending in Box Tops. Students are asked to bring Box Tops in to their first hour teacher. The deadline of this collection is Friday October 17th. Last Fall we were able to raise over $1100 with our Box Top collection (crazy huh.....)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Homework Help

Because of a scheduling conflict, there is no Homework Help today after school (Tuesday October 7th).

Heads Up for Parents

We just received word from our school nurse that there is a illness going around called EV-D68, which I like to refer to as the "creeping crud". It basically is a really bad chest cold that is starting to send children to the hospital. Click on this link for more information.

Friday, October 3, 2014

October Newsletter

Click here for the October Newsletter

Being Organized

One of the more common bumps in the road for middle school students is being unorganized. Many times, just looking in your child's locker will let you know (if you didn't already) if there is a problem. Being unorganized leads to missing assignments, not being prepared for tests/quizzes and poor grades. When you come to PTC in a few weeks, stopping by and checking out your child's locker might be a good use of your time.