Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Typical Dress Code Conversation

If you've read many of these Blogs or my newsletter or listened to me speak, then you know I hate dealing with the dress code. Being an older (some would say much older) and larger male, puts me in a bad spot in talking to young females about our dress code. Here is a conversation I just had with an 8th grade girl at lunch. She was walking by me with some rather large holes in her jeans. Me "Kiddo....come here for a second" Student "Sure...whatz up?" Me "I'm not sure those pants are appropriate for school" Student (shocked look on her face) "why????" Me "can you reach down and touch skin?" Student reaching down(even with crocodile arms) "well....sort of" (her hands went all the way past one of the larger holes) Me "Then you can't wear them to school" Student with a slight smirk on her face "ok......" as she is walking away Me, noticing that her shirt has slits in the back, "hey....come on back here" Student, turning back around and walk back "yes?" Me "that shirt isn't school appropriate either" Student "why not????" Me "does it have slits in the back?" Student...smirk returning to her face "yes...." Me "then you can't wear it to school......but I do like your shoes...they're ok to wear again" This is only going to get worse as the weather gets warmer.....

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