Monday, September 26, 2011

Missing Assignments

We've changed the process we've used to handle missing assignments a tad this year. In the past, every day I would post a list of every student that had a missing assignment in our cafeteria. Any student with two or more missing assignments on Thursday would be assigned Saturday School unless they got those assignments turned in by Friday. Any student that could make Saturday School would have lunch time homework help the following week. This year we have instituted a block of time within our schedule called SSR/IT (sustained silent reading/intervention time). Now instead of posting a list in the cafeteria, I'm e-mailing out a list to the staff first hour of everyone in their first hour that is missing an assignment. Staff reminds the student of what still needs to be done and during SSR/IT they are given an opportunity to complete the assignment. This is still in the beginning stages but so far it seems to be working well. As this process continues to evolve, we could still incorporate Saturday Schools for those students that seem to need more dedicated time to get caught up with their work. If you have any questions on the process, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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