Wednesday, May 26, 2010

DC Fundraiser #3

I'm going to sending home some info on our last Washington DC fundraiser tomorrow with the 7th graders that are currently signed up for the DC trip. The fundraiser is a Texas Hold'em. Basically here is what the flyer is going to say:

We have four separate “dates”, each one being four days long. I’m told we can expect to earn about $1000 a night. The school is going to keep 40% of the profits (believe it or not, we have expenses that we need to cover….it’s not going toward my vacation fund). 60% will go toward the DC trip of that worker’s child. Each night we’ll have 6 workers, so 10% of the profit will go to Gerber in your child’s name. Example…we make $1000 that night and you work one shift, you get $100 toward your child’s DC trip. If you owe $175 and work two sessions that earn you $200 then you’ll pay off the trip and get a $25 refund from Gerber. The one catch that I don’t see happening is that you can not make more than the trip costs. If that happens (which it won't) the “extra” will go SCMS. If you are interested in helping out, please fill out the form below with the dates and times you are interested in. My first priority is to get everyone interested an opportunity to earn some DC bucks. If we have too many wanting one time slot then I’ll make some phone calls to see if we can work it out…if not, I’ll draw names out of a hat. Once everyone who wants to help out gets a slot, if there are still openings I’ll fill those from the names of those parents that would like to do more than one time.

The flyer will have the dates/times and a part that you fill out and turn back in to the office. After you see the flyer if you have any questions, give me a call.

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