Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Next Fall's DC Trip

Good News....or Bad News. Which do you want first? I'll give you the bad news but you've got to continue reading or you'll miss out. The bad news is that our Washington DC Trip has filled up. The response has been as good as I've ever seen. I've gotten quite a few phone calls and e-mails from parents that didn't register their student in time and are currently not on the list. Here's the good news. After talking to the travel company, they have already reserved enough airline tickets and there is an excellent chance that we'll be able to add another bus...if....we get enough students/parents to turn in their registrations and down payments. If you are still interested in going, please fill out the registration form and send that along with the $125 deposit to SCMS. We'll hold on to the checks (won't cash them) until we have enough to add another bus. Please don't wait until you hear that we've added another bus. If we don't get enough people on the waiting list, the extra bus will never happen. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call.

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