Monday, April 26, 2010

New No Zero Homework Policy

As I hope everyone who is reading this knows, we have a No Zero policy here at SCMS. We have certain procedures in place to help students finish assignments and keep their grades up. Unfortunately some students for a variety of reasons still fall behind. Once they fall behind it tends to have a snowball effect and before long they find themselves in a hole that is very difficult to get out of. For that reason, we're going to try something a bit different from now until the end of the year. Anyone that has two or more missing assignments on Thursday will be assigned a Saturday School/Homework Recovery Session with me from 8:00 am until 10:00 am. Here is how I see this working. On Thursday, anyone with two or more missing assignments will be getting a letter to bring home. Depending on the number of students involved, I hope to make phone calls home giving parents a heads up. If by Friday they turn in all the missing work, in an acceptable fashion (not just a bunch of chicken scratch) then they do not have to attend Saturday School. If there is some situation that makes attending Saturday School impossible (being out of town, family obligation, etc), give me a call and we'll work out something else...possibly some time before school. Our goal is to get work completed and to stay on top of things. This is not meant to be a punishment. These Homework Help Saturdays will be run about every two weeks starting this weekend. I say about every two weeks because Memorial Day weekend is in the mix and that throws my every two weeks off. The Students will be notified of this tomorrow. I'll be using this Blog to notify parents of the upcoming dates.

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