Washington DC Trip....check, MEAP...check, H1N1 shots....check, Successful Volleyball and Football Seasons....check and check, First Marking Period...almost check, Garage cleaned at home....not even close to a check....(maybe this weekend)
Hard to believe that the school year, come Friday, is a quarter over. The next Marking Period is a great Marking Period because it's broken into very do-able segments (is do-able a word?). We have from now until Thanksgiving Break, then to Winter Break, then to the end of January and the second Marking Period is over. Three very do-able short term goal segments that I'm going to be stressing to the kids to focus on.
Switching gears and backtracking a tad. As I'm sure you know, we had the H1N1 shots here at the middle school yesterday (Tuesday). Wow....what a GREAT job the Health Department did. They were organized, well staffed, pleasant to deal with and efficient. With the help of our office staff who had all the forms organized ahead of time, they administered shots to 175 of our middle schoolers in 45 minutes. I was told that this was the largest turnout that they have had...roughly 1500 people received either the shot or the nasal spray. Great job to all involved.
The only downside, which was extremely minor, was people parking in the bus loop at the end of the day when the buses were scheduled to arrive. Everyone, with the exception of one man, was very helpful and moved their vehicles to a parking spot. To the one man who refused and barked at me....lighten up. Life's too short.
Have a great rest of the week........
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