Thursday, August 28, 2014

Do You Twitter?

I'm a "Newbie" when it comes to Twitter but I'm quickly finding out what a valuable resource it can be. Many people use it as a social networking device (who doesn't want to know what Justin Timberlake or Lebron James is having for breakfast?) but I'm using it as a mini professional development tool. You can find out information on pretty much any educational/student/technology trend that is currently relevant. I also use Twitter to post these Blog posts. If you don't have Twitter, I highly recommend that you give it a try. Going to YouTube and searching "Starting Twitter" will give you all kinds of videos to watch. If you already have Twitter, think about following me at Mike_Alley59 I'll be posting SCMS updates and also posting my Blog updates.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Student Leadership Seminar...Huge Success

SCMS and MCMS teamed together to with MASC/MAHS to offer a Student Leadership Seminar at SCMS. Students went through a variety of leadership sessions designed to build teamwork and learn how to build positive atmospheres in their home schools. As anyone knows that is reading this post, both schools have been dealt a GREAT hand when it comes to students and student leaders. If your son or daughter was not able to attend this seminar, that does not mean they can not get involved with Student Council or NJHS. More information will be coming out once school starts regarding signing up for our leadership groups. All students are encouraged to join. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Alley

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ever Wonder What the Common Core is?

Here is a website that does a pretty good job explaining what the Common Core is. Click Here

SCMS PTO Newsletter

Making Changes to Your Skyward Family Access Information

I love YouTube. Need to know how to fix a leak....find it on YouTube. Need to know how to wax and sharpen your snowboard...find it on YouTube. Need to know the basics of's on YouTube. Pretty much anything you're looking for, there is a YouTube video explaining how to do it. Changing your contact and emergency contact information within Skyward Family Access is no different. Here is just one of many sites that explains how to update/make changes. Click Here

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Criteria for the District Academic Awards at the PAC

All ECSD middle and high school students who academically achieve the following criteria during the 2014-15 school year will be invited to attend the Academic Honors Celebration. Please note the new criteria being used beginning with the 2014-15 school year: 6th-11th Grade: Using grade point average, the top ten students including ties in each grade at each of the schools will be recognized. Graduating Seniors: Summa Cum Laude status (3.67 GPA and higher) for graduating seniors at Marine City High School and St. Clair High School.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Blogs, e-mails, texts, Twitter, websites, phone calls....when is enough, enough? When it comes to communication, it is my feeling that you can never communicate enough. For that reason, I have set up another quick and easy communication tool for our SCMS Family to take advantage of. It's called Remind 101. All you have to do is to CLICK HERE and it will take you to a link where you enter either a cell number or an e-mail address and you'll be signed up to receive SCMS updates/reminders/messages. This is a one way communication tool, which means you don't have to worry about see 237 replies or anyone else seeing you phone number or e-mail address. It's quick and easy....give it a try. (When you click on the link, you'll see it is called scmsco, which stands for SCMS Community)