Wednesday, February 26, 2014

SCMS NJHS Blood Drive

Our NJHS hosted our Annual Blood Drive yesterday and experienced a very good turnout. Thanks to all the students and family members that donated, worked, supported this very worthy cause. A special thanks to Mrs. Walton, our NJHS Advisor who put in countless hours to make sure the event was a success.

Family in Need....Thanks

Once again, our SCMS Community has stepped up for a family in need. We recently had a "Hat Day" with the proceeds ($1 to wear a hat) going toward a SCMS family who had lost their home in a fire. As of this morning we had raised over $600 which is being deposited in an account set up to help the family. Nice job.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Wrestling Meet Tonight (Monday)

Wrestling going to Fort Gratiot Middle School for a Tri-Meet with Holland Woods, St. Clair and Ft. Gratiot - bus leaves at 3:30 PM tonight. Because of some miscommunication, some of our wrestlers might not of known about this meet. We've let them know, hopefully they are letting their parents know. Sorry for any confusion

Washington DC Fundraiser

Because of the ice day on Friday and the half day tomorrow, the deadline for our Little Creasers Pizza Fundraiser for Washington DC has been extended until Thursday February 27th.

Why Was School Cancelled on Friday?

I've had a few people ask why school was cancelled on Friday....or at least, why school wasn't main roads only? In Michigan, you must have 75% of your students in attendance for it to count as an official day of instruction. In our situation we have many of our students that live on back roads (which were a sheet of ice Friday). If we would of had school on main roads only (like Marysville did), odds are we wouldn't of hit the 75% attendance level and it wouldn't of counted as an instructional day. Hope that helps

Thursday, February 13, 2014

No Homework Help on Thursday February 13th

Because of Mid-Winter Break, there is no Homework Help on Thursday, February 13th. Enjoy the break

SCMS Family in Need

As some of you might of heard, this past week one of our SCMS families lost their home to fire. Fortunately no one was hurt but the house and belongings were destroyed by the fire. In situations like, regardless of insurance, there is always items that are lost or things that need to be bought that are not covered. The family has set up an account at Northstar Bank in St. Clair under the account name of "Delia Fire Fund". In the past, our SCMS family has been extremely generous which is part of what makes this school and community special. Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Hungry for Pizza?

Tonight (Tuesday February 11th) is SCMS Hungry Howie's Night. SCMS receives 20% of every purchase. Please help support our school by eating as much Hungry Howies as possible.

Studnet ID Sale

We will be selling Student ID's for $1 up until Winter Break. Now is a great time to replace the one that has been lost (which is probably under that pile of clothes in your bedroom) of buy an extra one to have just in case. Students not having their ID's is slowing down the checking out of books in the Media Center and also causing a traffic jam in the lunch lines. Don't be that another ID card.

SCMS PTO Meeting

SCMS PTO has a meeting tonight, Tuesday, February 11th @ 7:00 pm in the Media Center. Hope to see you there.

Monday, February 10, 2014


From time to time we have a student get injured and EMS needs to be called. Today was an example of such a day as a student injured his finger in PE Class. The reason I'm putting this on our Blog is that a few years ago EMS had to come to SCMS for a similar situation. By the time I got home it was all over Facebook that a teacher got stabbed with a pair of scissors (which of course never happened). Social to love it.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday February 5th Middle School-After School Activities Are Cancelled

Because of poor weather conditions, all SCMS after school activities for Wednesday February 5th are cancelled. This includes all middle school athletic practices and our Just the Facts Parent Meeting that was scheduled for 6:30 in the Media Center. If you are a 6th grade parent and have any questions regarding the Just the Facts program, please give our counselor, Mrs. McElreath a call at 810-676-1808

To Call School or Not To Call School

The following is posted on our ECSD Website today (Wednesday February 5th) from our Superintendent, Dr. Skalka. We have received several calls and e-mails regarding why school is in session today. The decision not to have school is made between 5:00-6:00 am. At that time, it was not snowing and though weather maps showed that it would snow later in the morning, the forecast was for one to three inches. The superintendents in the county work together to make a consistent decision and as you know, all St. Clair County schools are open and most schools across the area are as well. What wasn’t forecast or anticipated was the amount of blowing snow that developed. We’ve received additional contacts regarding why we are not closing school early. Looking at the forecast and weather maps, the snow is supposed to stop at approximately 4:00 pm. Now that they are at school, the safest place for our students is to stay at school. We also want to give city and county road crews as much time as possible to attend to the roads. When school is dismissed, we’ve instructed bus drivers to take as much time as they need to get students home safely and as a result, students may be home a little later than normal.

Personal Learnig Device Pilot Program

Above is a student contract for a pilot program that we are going to try 2nd semester regarding personal learning/electronic devices (I-pads, tablets, smart phones, etc). As you are probably aware, these devices are everywhere. They also have a tremendous upside in the education world. Odds are that while doing this pilot, we'll have a few bumps in the road. Part of our responsibility and goal is to not only prepare students for the high school but also teach them responsible ways to use these devices. Having their cell phone hidden under their desk and texting a friend when the teacher's back is turned, is not a responsible use of the device (by the way, that scenario is happening now). Our hope by giving the students a little more freedom, we will be able to get out in front of this and eliminate most of the improper use. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Monday, February 3, 2014

8th Grade Cedar Point Trip Criteria

With Winter all but over...(it is all but over, right?)....our 8th grade students will start to get information regarding the annual 8th grade Cedar Point trip. We think of the trip as a reward for working hard and representing SCMS in a positive fashion. I have spoken to the 8th graders at lunch (and will many times from today on) regarding the rules/criteria to be eligible to go on the trip. At SCMS we have a discipline point system. Every discipline incident receives a certain number of "points" Once a student goes over 6 points they are no long allowed to go on the school sponsored trip. Also, in order to be able to go on the trip, a student must be passing at least 4 or their 6 classes in 3rd and 4th Marking Period. Two pretty simple rules....don't get in trouble (over and over) and pass your classes. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Westerhof or Mr. Alley.