Thursday, April 26, 2012

Craziness Has Taken Over SCMS

Is there an extended full moon this month? Things have been absolutely crazy here the past week or so. I realize that the weather is turning and we're finally getting some sunlight but our kids are bouncing off the walls. I've got students that are just doing really out of character (aka....stupid) stuff. Just as a reminder, because I've had a few parents upset, when I hear about a "situation", bullying for example, and I say I'll take care of it, that doesn't mean that I re-contact the parents of the student that was being bullied every step of the way to let them know what is going to happen or what has happened to the student that was causing the problem. That's a private matter between the school, the student and his/her parents. I know it can be frustrating because when it's your child that you feel is being bullied, you want to know how big of stick the other student is going to be hit with. My policy frustrating that it can be.....that I only speak about any student to that student's parent. In short, just because you don't hear what the punishment is, doesn't mean that it hasn't been dealt with or that there was no punishment. A great example that happened a while back is a student left my office upset and told his buddies that nothing happened when in fact he knew exactly what my expectations were (you can read tone into that), parents were contacted and he was suspended out of school for 3 days. Telling his buddies that nothing happened was his defense mechanism...and that happens at this level. It's a maturity thing. make a long story short (too late), I'm pretty good at this. If you ever have any questions, please give me a call sooner than later. When you let things simmer, they tend to come to a boil and then you end up drawing some conclusions that aren't true, yelling at me, writing a letter to the Superintendant, spreading rumors....the list goes on and on. Hang in there....we'll get through this.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New SCMS Website Links

First....thanks to everyone that attended the EXPLORE Test Parent meeting last night. I hope it was helpful/informative. Along those lines, I've put a few new links on our SCMS homepage for parents/students to check out. All of the links have to do with preparing our students for life after high school. Please take a minute and check out the links.

Friday, April 20, 2012

DC Fundraiser #2

Information on our second Washington DC fundraiser is coming home today (Friday, April 20th) with those 7th grade students that have registered for the trip. I've also put the information on the Washington DC link that is on our SCMS main webpage. Any questions please give me a call.

Monday, April 16, 2012

EXPLORE Test Parent Meeting

We are having a meeting Tuesday April 24th at 7:00 pm in our Media Center for all 8th grade parents to go over the EXPLORE test results and how those results can be used as well as how it translates to the ACT. Students will be going over their tests/scores in their ELA classes later this week and will be bringing home their test results/test booklets. Please bring the test results with you to the meeting. We hope all 8th grade parents can attend.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Half Day Thursday April 12th

With the end of the 3rd marking period being Wednesday, April 11th, all district elementary and middle schools will have a student half day on Thursday, April 12th. SCMS will be holding hours 1, 2 and 3. Dismissal of students will be at 11:48.