Thursday, June 30, 2011

This Bugs Me....

Just off the top of my head, something that has always bugged me but now that I'm older it seems to be happening to me more and more. Either because of my eyesight, my height/line of sight, age or just an over all state of being in a fog, I seem to miss when people wave at me. It's not on purpose, it's not that I feel I'm better than others and it's not because I don't remember you (but as I get older, that could be true). Just this week it's happened three times that a car has passed me and I just caught out of the corner of my eye, as the car was just about even with me, that someone was waving to me...too late for them to see me wave back. Just wanted to set the record straight....I'm a pretty nice guy. If I do miss you please keep trying.

Everyone enjoying their summer?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New DC Texas Hold'em Info

For those of you that are participating in our Texas Hold'em Fundraiser for this year's DC trip, we've had a slight bump in the road. Just found out yesterday (6/27/11) that the times for our two August fundraising dates have changed. Sorry.

First shift is 3:00 to 7:00 pm

Second shift is 7:00 to 11:00 pm

Last shift is 11:00 to 2:00 pm.

Please e-mail me if you read this and your times still work for you (it'll save me from having to call everyone). Again...sorry, but it is what it is.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thank You Cargill

WOW..... Mrs. Burkart put in for a grant from Cargill Salt for three classroom sets of "clickers" to go with our soon to be Smartboards. The grant was approved and we could not be happier. These "clickers" allow students to give and receive immediate responses/feedback to questions on the Smartboard. A huge thank you to our friends at Cargill for making this happen. The clickers are a big ticket item that we would not be able to afford with out some help.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last Day.....

Believe it or not, I've never counted down the days or looked forward to the end of any school year, especially when you've had a good year. This year has been a great year. Best of luck to our 8th graders as they move on to the next phase of their lives. They will be missed. I made mention to our 7th graders that I'm counting on them next year. As principal, I'm a firm believer that our school year is determined by our leaders, and our leaders are our 8th grade class. Enjoy the time this summer with your son or daughter.. As I've mentioned many times on this Blog and in my newsletters....this time goes by way too quickly.

And.....completely off subject.....If you happen to come across a pencil that says "Stolen from Mr. Alley", it wasn't really stolen. I give those out to students (sad attempt at humor). Had a parent call the other day apologizing that their child had one of my pencils.

Enjoy the summer....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Are You Kidding Me?????

Because parents need one more thing to worry about. Evidently there is an "activity" that some of the kids saw on YouTube that shows you how to make yourself pass out. It has just come to my attention that we have a few kids, thinking it's funny, trying this in school. I've made a school wide announcement but any help at home you can give us to stress how inappropriate, dangerous and frankly, stupid this "game" can be would be greatly appreciated.

Jr Golf Tournament

Just received a flyer on a Jr Golf Tournament on August 12th at Pine Shores. Space is limited. If interested contact Pine Shores at 810-329-4294 or go online at:

Starting School Differently Next Year

In a hope to try to limit some of the first days of school chaos, we're going to try something different modeled after what SCHS currently does. SCMS will be holding it's own "Saints Day" on Friday August 26th. On Saints Day, students will arrive during a time slot for their grade level, turn in forms (emergency cards, etc.)receive their schedules, get their picture ID taken, receive their books, be able to take their books to their lockers, check out their combinations, location of classes, etc. We're excited about the change and look forward to seeing everyone on Saints Day. More information, times, what needs to be brought to school to turn in, etc will be mailed home in an information packet in August. For those that are out of town or can't make it on Saints Day, schedules will be available the first day of school.