Friday, January 29, 2010

YMCA Teen Night

The YMCA is holding a Teen Night on Feb 6th. This is open to any 6th - 10th grader and is not hosted by SCMS...(not one of our Activity Nights). They have received permission to advertise and have flyers available in our school. I'm going to do my best to try to make sure that our kids don't mistake this event for one of our Activity Nights that we have hosted in the past at the YMCA. The last thing that I want to happen is for some of our students to show up and be surprised to find a bunch of high schoolers from varying area schools also are at the Y.

Washington DC Fundraiser $$$$

Here is a question that has been coming up....for those that participated in the first fundraiser (Achatz Pies)....where is that money? Right now we have all the money and are going to keep it until after the deadline to sign up. The reason for that is many of the kids that participated in the fundraiser haven't registered yet. Once the deadline passes, we'll send all the money with a list of who gets what credited to their account. If someone has paid in full, or the fundraiser amount is more than what they owe, the travel company will issue a check back to that student.
Hope that makes's a lot easier to explain than to type. Give a call if I've confused you....

On somewhat of a separate note...we still have 2 more fundraisers for the trip. We'll be selling Little Caesar Pizza Kits and we'll be helping with a Texas Hold'em fundraiser. It is very possible, with a little effort, that the student can pay for most, if not all, of their trip. Please do what you can to register your 7th's an awesome experience that will give them memories that will last a lifetime.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Time to Register for DC

One of the advantages of having a major event (Washington DC Trip) meeting well before the event is that you get the word out and that gives plenty of time for parents to plan. One of the disadvantages of having the meeting 3 months before the registration deadline is that like most everything else, once the excitement wears off, it gets put on the back burner. Our Washington DC Trip that we do every year for our 8th graders is an outstanding educational experience for the kids. I can not say enough great things about it. The deadline for current 7th graders to sign up is quickly approaching. I completely realize that money is tight but we have two fundraisers upcoming that will make this trip very affordable. Please take advantage of this opportunity and register your 7th grader. It truly is outstanding. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to give me a call.

Monday, January 25, 2010

2009-2010 Yearbooks

Yearbook orders need to be in by the end of the week - there won't be any extra copies at the end of the year to sell. Please, Please, Please...if your student wants one, please order one now. Every year we have a handful of kids that are almost in tears because they wanted a yearbook but didn't order one.

Congrats to two future Chuck Norris's

Two SCMS 8th graders, Paul and Andrew Schnieder, accomplished something this past weekend that many of wish we had. Both of the brothers have taken TaeKwonDo for the past 8 years and yesterday they tested for their BlackBelt. After a three and one half hour test they both earned the degree of 1st Don Blackbelt. This took years of working hard, dedication and striving for goals....all qualities that we hope to our students leave here with.

Congrats (and don't forget who your favorite principal is...)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Studio 1219 Classes

Just received some information on classes being offered through Studio 1219 in Port Huron. If you are interested a variety of Art/Theatre classes, we have flyers in the office.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


(that was me yelling for help)....

We have a TON of missing assignments as we approach the end of the Marking Period/Semester. Any and all encouragement that you can direct toward your student would be greatly appreciated.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Geography Bee

Which Mediterranean country, located at the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula, is Europe’s largest exporter of cotton? Any idea? Well, 6th grader Matt Tetreau knew and he was the winner of this year's Geography Bee. Congratulations to all the students that participated. A special thank you to our SCMS Social Studies Staff, especially Ms. Hannon, for all the work that went into organizing and putting on the event. the way....the correct answer was Greece.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Free Throw Contest

Knights of Columbus will be holding a boys and girls (ages 9-14) free throw contest on Sunday, January 17th at 1:00 at the St. Mary's School Gym. Entry forms are available in the SCMS front office.

St. Clair Winter White Out

Just received some information on what sounds like a neat event. The Winter White Out, January 22nd and 23rd, is a family oriented event that will take place on Clinton Ave and in the Riverview Plaza. Clinton Ave will be closed Friday afternoon and not reopen until Sunday Morning. Some of the activities will be frozen chicken bowling, a fruitcake fling, cardboard luge and tic-tac-snow to name a few. The event will be held regardless of the weather.

For more information, contact:
Fred Rollins 810-357-8566
Scott Adkins 810-329-7121

Newsletter Online

Because of a number of reasons, we've been having trouble getting our current Newsletter on our webpage. That problem has been solved and the current Newsletter (January) is available....which, by the way, my opening article is award worthy if you haven't read it.

On somewhat of a tangent, it's no secret that money is tight everywhere. The district spends a boatload of money in paper and mailings when it comes to Newsletters. The plan in the future is to eliminate the mass mailings and just have the Newsletter online. The problem with that, of course, is for those that don't have access to the Internet at home. We're working on that....maybe generate a list of those that are requesting the Newsletter be mailed. At the very least, I see our costs district wide going way down by taking advantage of our technology. More information on that will be forthcoming.

Enjoy the weekend

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2nd Annual Pink Halo Project

Super Saturday
Marine City High School
January, 30th 2010
9th grade games 9:00 am start time

The 2nd Annual Pink Halo Project fundraising campaign that will culminate on January 30, 2010 during the Marine City High School and St. Clair High School “Super Saturday” basketball event. This event will showcase all levels of our high school basketball programs at both MCHS and SCHS. The 2nd Annual Pink Halo Project is the name for Marine City High School local fundraiser that is being conducted in conjunction with the Basketball Coaches Association of Michigan (BCAM) “Coaches Against Cancer” fundraising project. Proceeds from this fundraising event will be divided between BCAM’s project (2/3 total raised) and a local cancer project donation (1/3 total raised) in the Marine City/St. Clair area.

If you are interested in purchasing sponsor items for this event, please pickup a Sponsor order form @ Marine City High School or St. Clair high School. Other fundraising events will take place throughout the day!

For Questions or Order forms, please contact:
Jim Dupuie- (810) 765-3267
Carrie Rhodes –(810) 676-1248
Heath kent –(810)676-1964

Monday, January 4, 2010


Boy is it good to be back.....not sure if I'll feel the same way in a few days, but today, it's good to get back in the routine. Hope everyone had a great break. Mine was awesome. Got to see the kids, grandkids and got way more than I deserved in presents. We also went for a few days to Vermont snowboarding/skiing....which is a story that is way too long for this blog. The short version is that there was very little snow, mostly ice with wind gusts of 40 mph. Not a good combination for my skill level but it was good family bonding time and no one broke anything so the trip was a success.

Just a reminder, stating the obvious...but it's cold outside. As in any large building, we are going to have cold/cool areas (like my office for example). Please remind your child to dress like it's January. Kids, many times, don't think too far in advance. What looks good in the mirror before they leave for school doesn't always feel good during the day. I still remember my sons, when I would question their choice in clothes..." over comfort". Hopefully everyone can find a sweatshirt that is in style.